New Items
We are pleased to introduce the following new items to our line up!
Ladybug Monitoring Traps
Created by the makers of "Cluster Buster", these ladybug traps are a pesticide-free way to rid your home of these pesky biting Asian beetles.
Windsor Rust Remover
Windsor Rust Remover Super*Pellens Salt is an easy affordable way to prevent and remove rust build-up in water softener tanks.
STREUfex "The Horse Bedding"
Streufex is a highly absorbant, dust free, cost effective choice for bedding. Streufex pellets are made from top quality grain straw and will reduce storage space, labour costs, and the size of your manure pile. Streufex will help create a dust free, allergen free, mold free environment for your horse. Check out thier web site at for more information of call us at 613-624-5569.
TDI Equine Feeds & Supplement
At the request of a customer we looked into TDI Feeds and were quite impressed by the quality of the feed. Our customers who have begun to use the TDI line have been very happy with the results. The TDI line features a variety of feeds designed for specific purposes. For detailed information and feed analyses please visit their web site at